I had a dream the other night that I had no eyes. I couldn’t get over that image. The feeling was panic mixed with shock, yet overall, it was uncanny. It was so mystifying, in fact, that I spent the whole day being revisited with vivid flashbacks. It wasn’t as if my eyes were seemingly airbrushed away from my appearance. I had open cavities on my face. Disturbing. I could even recall the feeling of cool air pressing itself within the center of my head much like a breeze crossing over your eyes. The event was so astounding that I found it gripping my attention sporadically throughout my day. I never even stopped to ask myself how I saw myself with no eyes.
Peculiar how a dream that was holding my subconscious captive all day could stall thought like a rhetorical question when seen at a different angle. Rather than why, but, now, how? I saw myself in a mirror. I know that; I remember seeing that. I know that I shouldn’t consciously ponder what my subconscious does, I doubt that’s really any good for a healthy mind on top that it’s probably a waste of time. I did it anyway.
About a week ago a good friend of mine and I had a conversation about dreams and what part of your brain does what. He is attending school for that kind of thing and I have always been interested in sleep study so I was relatively attentive when he was explaining that logic pretty much has no place in your dreams. It’s like your irresponsible, impulsive emotions having a party when logic is on vacation. That does explain a lot about dreams and how they have a tendency to impact you on a deep level. Throughout the day logic notices some things around the house that are out of place. Wait a second; I still have eyes. You can’t fool me. That immediate thought upon waking from said dream could hit pretty hard. Logic runs things, but as we all know, emotion is able to speak volumes over logic at times.
I pondered a little more and came to this thought: if your dreams are based solely on emotion then how does the perspective of reality differ for people who are more logical than emotional? Does reality take on a more dreamlike ambience for more emotional people? I’ve noticed that I’m a pretty emotional person, using my level of emotional sensitivity as a baseline, could I possibly draw insight to how others may view the world? If that’s the case, I figured out why women are crazy.
yes, you should consciously ponder what your subconscious does, turnabout's fair play. and getting to know yourself is not a waste of time, it's maturity. what's unhealthy about knowing thyself? and everyone's crazy, especially those who think they aren't. understanding does definitely seem to make one seem much crazier to others though. don't let that stop you from pondering, just don't tell everyone everything- they're not ready to know, and some might would try to take it out on you.