A first-floor parking spot.
A Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato with two extra shots of espresso.
A friendly tail-wag.
A stranger’s genuine smile.
Sleeping in.
The calm before the storm (in both the literal and metaphorical sense.)
A good beat.
A cool and refreshing breath of air.
A two-cup bounce shot.
A triumphing active apathetic avoidance of embarrassment.
A clean house.
A classy woman.
The few times a year where you get to blast the heat and roll the windows down to create a small, controlled sense of chaos as two temperature extremes flow around you in a whirlwind of subtle variances between chills and hot flashes while still being subjected to the crisp fresh air around you outside.
A Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato with two extra shots of espresso.
A friendly tail-wag.
A stranger’s genuine smile.
Sleeping in.
The calm before the storm (in both the literal and metaphorical sense.)
A good beat.
A cool and refreshing breath of air.
A two-cup bounce shot.
A triumphing active apathetic avoidance of embarrassment.
A clean house.
A classy woman.
The few times a year where you get to blast the heat and roll the windows down to create a small, controlled sense of chaos as two temperature extremes flow around you in a whirlwind of subtle variances between chills and hot flashes while still being subjected to the crisp fresh air around you outside.
Love this. What's a two-cup bounce shot?