It was a vivid image of intrinsic exaggeration, a frozen portrait of fluidity. Time did more than stand still; it ceased. Consciousness spiraled to an immense point of absence. There was no flooding luminance, no tunnel. One could say nothing existed and would fail to be ingeniously knowledgeable as opposed to saying entirety inexisted deeming one relentlessly axiomatic.
However, the infinite void allowed the putrefying nothingness to consume perception into a bath of irrelevance, an infantile state of futile quiescence. Sans everything; it was an abyss of supreme nihility, a simplistic loop of nil.
Suddenly there was sound. A distinct oscillation of a reverberated frequency resulting to an omniscient humming that numbly struck awareness like a chord. Then, like accosting winter as it hints insidiously into summer through the fingers of fall, I felt a flickering rime seep into conception. Next, a name was repeatedly called with a quiet overture of playground-style banter lofting throughout..
Existence poured upon me like a flood. Vivid awareness flashed through me as the total acceptance of structure stapled fear into the boundless roots of my foundation. Systematic novelties were experienced as contemporary, still-framed cognizance. It was like watching oneself wake. Unfortunately, I was not inciting from an ordinary repose and self was indiscernible.
Everything felt stagnate and used but with no recollection of familiarity. It was minimally a inherent delusion of belonging. Still, I felt worth. I felt as if there was something to be lost or taken from me. I was utterly frightened…
Please keep in mind that this was from an internal experience that possessed me for some time. It's a very personal perspective and it took me a while to debate whether or not I wanted to share.
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